The CamelCase Motion Plugin
I, as I expect a lot of you do, work in some languages that use camelCaseForNaming (JavaScript), and others that prefer the_snake_case_way_of_things (Ruby). I don’t really have a preference to which one I use, but sometimes I get frustrated by Vim’s w command (and the corresponding b command), and how it doesn’t treat underscores or an upper-case letter in a long variable name as a new word.
For example, if I have the following, with my cursor on the starting ‘s’:
What I want is for w
to take me to the capital L
, then to the capital M
, then the C
, and so on. Similarly with this code:
I’d like to be able to jump between the underscores.
I’ve never been able to find a way to do this until now. The solution is the brilliant CamelCase Motion plugin. This provides commands for jumping intelligently, as I described above, and works with both CamelCase and snake_case.
What I’ve done is simply map w, b and e to the CamelCase versions:
map <silentw <PlugCamelCaseMotion_w
map <silentb <PlugCamelCaseMotion_b
map <silente <PlugCamelCaseMotion_e
sunmap w
sunmap b
sunmap e
Thank you to Reddit user “nandryshak” for mentioning this in a r/vim thread.
w, b and e will now work mostly as before, except when it detects camel casing or snake case, at which point it will act accordingly. Perfect!
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