vim-ruby Thu, 30 May 2013
Last week I published a post on making Vim quicker with rbenv / RVM and it gained quite a few comments. It did help out but it was also pointed out that it was not a good way of doing things.
I was then told that the problem had been fixed in vim-ruby, but the version of vim-ruby that contained the fix was not the one bundled with the latest Vim. This will be fixed in Vim 7.4 which is not a million miles away, but if you want to get it now, you can simply bundle vim-ruby as a plugin, using the latest from Github.
Then you can safely delete this line from your config:
let g:ruby_path = system('echo $HOME/.rbenv/shims')
I have found that this change has sped up Vim hugely, even more then the previous solution, and now have one less complete hack in my .vimrc
Hope this helps!